CALL NOW (403) 287-3400 | address: 5818 1A Street SW, Calgary, AB T2H 0G1

Auto Repair
Change Auto and Diesel is Calgary’s certified auto repair experts. We strive to provide quality workmanship and expert service. Our full-service automotive repair and maintenance shop is proud to serve the local area and solve all of your vehicle's problems. We are the proud member of the Automatic Transmission Service Group. We have highly trained technicians that service all makes and models with advanced diagnostic equipment. Call us for free estimates.
At Change Auto and Diesel, we're always welcoming new clients and will take care of your vehicle like it was one of our own. We service all makes and models and use advanced diagnostic equipment to complete your car's repairs quickly and correctly. You'll be back on the road in no time!
Our auto maintenance and repair services include:
Among our specialties are diesel engine repairs, which require an advanced skill set and should be done by a trained and certified technician. Our team takes pride in providing high-quality automotive services and helpful advice on how to best care for your vehicle. Stop in and see us!